About Us

8:30 A.M. Traditional Worship with hymns and no tech
10:00 A.M. Contemporary Worship w/Sunday School
Nursery available during both services in the Education building.
Sunday School for ages 3-5th grade.
Special services are offered throughout the year during various seasons.
10:00 A.M. Summer Unity Worship during the Summer months with ‘One Room School House’
Offered in person and streaming online on Facebook and YouTube.
Office Hours by appointment only
Contact information at the bottom of this page
On life’s journey with Hiss
Our Mission
At Hiss Church, our mission is to invite people into a loving relationship with God. Together, through the sharing of our faith, our ministries, and our resources, we will serve the Lord.
Our Vision
Loving God, Loving All, Changing Lives
Join the Journey!
Our History
175 years we have been serving the Parkville area. Read about Hiss throughout the years.