New Members Orientation
This class is for people who would like to become members of the Hiss Family. It will be held in the parlor (just off of the sanctuary) at 1 PM, March 30th. A sign -up sheet is in the Narthex or you can sign up by contacting Pastor Mark at

Pastor's Lenten Study
“The four New Testament Gospels aren’t the same story, but they offer the same Resurrection hope.” Rawle Join Pastor Mark for this study at Hiss in room 208 or Zoomed.

Easter Egg Hunt
The Easter Bunny hopped by Hiss Church to confirm he will be coming back to the Egg Hunt on Sunday April 13th . Gather in the Sanctuary at 2 PM and then enjoy the fun in the Fellowship Area after the egg hunt. For preschool and elementary age children. All welcome!
Register here

Good Friday
Noon: Community Walk starting at St. Ursula and ending at the Hiss Graveyard.
7 PM Service at Hiss
He is Risen! Join us at 8:30 for Traditional worship and 10:00am for Contemporary worship
Rock Painting Night
Rock painting night is open to all. Meet in the fellowship area. Supplies will be provided.

Spring Vendor Fair
Spring Vendor & Craft Fair - Saturday April 26th from 9-3
Come and do your spring shopping for a variety of beautiful and unique items. Snacks and baked goods are also available for purchase.
*We have a few Vendor spaces available

VBS 2025 Begins
Be a part of VBS. Preschool (ages 3/pre kindergarten) through 5th grade at VBS June 22 -26.
Bible Teaching, Crafts, Snacks, THE JONES’ MARKET, Games, Music are all a part of the FUN and FELLOWSHIP each night. Registration will begin the middle of May.

Come and enjoy the game and fireworks on July 26 at Ripkin Stadium in Aberdeen. Order your tickets now before they sell out from Price Russell.

Volunteer Sunday
The Staff Parish Relations Committee (SPRC) would like to recognize its many volunteers during worship followed by a light reception after worship in Fellowship Hall.

Faith Forum Lenten Study
Lenten Study Faith Forum 9-9:45 AM Sundays
In this six-week study, pastor and best-selling author Adam Hamilton explores six of the most important themes in Jesus's teachings. All Welcome!

Ash Wednesday Services
12 Noon Prayer and imposition of Ashes in the chapel
7 PM Imposition of Ashes in the Sanctuary with streaming online

Have fun and shop at Hiss Attic Treasures, baked table, jellies, beets and luncheon menu inside. Saturday, March 1 8AM until 2PM.

Texas Roadhouse Fundraiser
Come, eat and be merry!
Sunday, February 23 from 11:30 - 4 join other friends from Hiss to have a delicious meal! See you there!

Join us in the Fellowship Area for a evening of fun and games! All ages are welcome and bring a friend. Begins at 6:30 PM.

Untitled Event
Rescheduled VBS meeting in the parlor following the 10 AM worship service.

Faith Forum
There's a path to happiness that always delivers. In the New Year of 2025 put yourself on the path to find lasting joy in a world of comparison, disappointment, and unmet expectations. Join us Sunday Mornings at 9 AM in the Bride’s Room. All Welcome.

Advent Study with Pastor Mark
4 week Advent study with Pastor Mark starting at 7 PM Dec. 2 until Dec. 23 on Mondays in the Parlor.

Advent Study - The Journey Walking the Road to Bethlehem
"Using historical information, archaeological data, and a personal look at some of the stories surrounding the birth, the most amazing moment in history will become more real and heart-felt as you walk along this road." Join Faith Forum for this 5 week study.

Chick-fil-A on Belair Road
SPIRIT NIGHT at Chick-fil-A in the Perry Hall Shopping Center (8867 Belair Road) FUNdraiser from 5-8 PM on Tuesday . Dine-in and join fellow Hiss people, carry-out or go through the drive-through. Be sure to mention Hiss Church when you place your order.

The Ecumenical Thanksgiving Eve Service will be held at St. Ursula’s on November 27th at 7 PM. The service will take a goodwill offering for a community outreach program as well as non-perishable food for a food pantry in Parkville. Give thanks to God!

Vendor and Craft Fair
Come and find unique gifts and items at our Craft and Vendor Fair. There will be some attic treasures along will food prepared in our kitchen for lunch, and items from our Bake Table. Open from 9-3. See you there!

Dine to Donate at Gino's
Dine in all day for yummy burgers and chicken! Take out or eat in. Hiss will get 20% of your cost. 8600 LaSalle Road Towson

Movie Night
Enjoy an evening out with a movie being shown in the Hiss Sanctuary. Light refreshments to follow. This Hallmark movie is about a town that pulls together to bring Christmas early for a sick 8 year old little girl.

Spirit Night at Friendly’s
Enjoy a meal with friends at FRIENDLY'S with a portion of your ticket going to Hiss Church. See you there?!

Friends Helping Friends
Buy a $5 shopping pass and use it to save up to 25% on what you buy at Boscov’s in White Marsh. Shopping passes available for purchase now.
Trunk or Treat
Bring your princesses, super heroes, and creatures of all kinds to TRUNK AND TREAT in the upper parking lot of Hiss Church from 3 - 5:30. It will be BOOtacular!

Itzels Christian Band Concert
Itzels Christian Band concert right here at Hiss in the sanctuary beginning at 6PM. A love offering will be taken and light refreshments and fellowship will follow the concert. All welcome.

Beginning of our program year. Return to 8:30 AM and 10:00 AM services on Sundays. Sunday School classes resume for children ages 3 years old through High School following the children’s sermon at the 10AM service.

Church Picnic at Beachmont
Worship at Hiss Sanctuary at 8:30 AM
Worship at Beachmont at 11:00 AM. Picnic and fun to follow.

Summer Sunday School
3 year olds through 5th grade graduates join in the one room school house in the Fellowship hall after the Children’s Sermon.

Enjoy a nice cool treat at the Hiss evening at Kona Ice at . 20% of the proceeds will go to Hiss. 3326 E Joppa Rd, Parkville

VBS Sunday Service at 10AM
Come join us at Hiss Sunday morning worship service for a special VBS worship service. Share the music, pictures, and other things that happened during VBS. See you there!