Join the Journey!
No matter where you are on your journey - new or seasoned with many years of service and learning - there is a place for you at Hiss to grow in your faith.
Things you might want to know.
WORSHIP - There are two worship services on Sunday during the program year. (September - May) All services are one hour approximately. The 8:30 AM service embraces a more traditional style and the 10:00 AM service has a more contemporary style of worship. Sunday School (and a summer children’s program) are offered after the children’s sermon during the 10 AM service.
COMMUNION - Hiss has an open table meaning all are welcome to the Lord’s Table. Bread is broken and given to each participant or one can select a commercially produced sealed cup with juice and wafer. Grape juice is served by: intinction - individuals dipping their piece of bread into a common cup, individual disposable cups, or by commercially produced and sealed cup.
MUSIC - Music is provided during the service by piano and/or organ. A variety of choirs: adult, bell, Hearts on Fire (youth), and Weselyn (children), provide inspirational music during the program year.
RESTROOMS AND NURSERY - A restroom is located in the front of the sanctuary, in the back of the sanctuary downstairs, and past the Fellowship
Hall in the education building lower level. A nursery is available to those with babies and young children under the age of 3. It is located on the 1st floor of the educational/office building. It has toys, changing tables, cribs and TV so one can watch the service as their children play or sleep.
Where to find us
Fellowship Hall