Local, US and Global Missions
“Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward them for what they have done.”
Proverbs 19:17 NIV
Hiss has been on mission trips since 1994!
A Brief History
Camp Joy Youth Work Camp (West Virginia): 2009-2024
Habitat for Humanity, Rutherford County, Tennessee: 2010-2024
On January 7, strong Santa Ana winds in Los Angeles caused wildfires to spread rapidly in multiple communities. Thousands of homes and businesses have been destroyed, as well as multiple local United Methodist Churches. Preliminary assessments of the damage is underway. UMCOR has awarded two solidarity grants to the California-Pacific Annual Conference to undergird their immediate relief efforts. This includes evacuee support like food and essential supplies as well as support for volunteer efforts and other relief activities.
Local Missions
Student Support Network
The Student Support Network helps support the 1 in 2 students of Baltimore County Public School living in poverty by providing food and other basic necessities.
School supplies, personal care items, household supplies, backpacks, non-perishable food, and clothing are always needed.
If you wish to donate items instead, please review exactly what is needed here and we will make sure it gets to
Please label your donation and place it in a basket in the Narthex.
Baltimore County Eastern Family Resource Center
Community Assistance Network (CAN)
This organization empowers low income residents of Baltimore County to self-sufficiency.
Current needs: sheets, bath towels, wash cloths, bar soap and other individual personal hygiene items.
There is a collection basket in the Narthex where you can leave your donation.
Disciples with Yarn
People who knit and/or crochet are gathering on Mondays in room 208 to make infant hats that will be given to local hospitals. Other items like prayer shawls, lap quilts, etc. are also being made.
We have now adopted making items for packages for people dealing with cancer, both in the hospital and at home.
No experience necessary. Donna West is the coordinator. Yarn scraps can also be donated.
9621 Harford Road Parkville, Maryland
Hiss Methodist supports our local food pantry to serve those in our community that need that need assistance. Collection baskets are in the Narthex and will be delivered to the pantry. You can also take donations directly to the pantry (call for times).